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May 29, 2006

Army Tests Pinnacle "Dragon Skin" Armor Vests


The Army announced that PEO Soldier has contracted with Pinnacle Armor to purchase 30 of its latest body armor vests, known as "Dragon Skin" for delivery no later than May 17....More

My commentary:

Is it me, or does it seem like Uncle Sam is dragging his feet getting our military people this better body armor? I think that certain politicians are beholding to certain manufacturers of less quality stuff, and therefore can't simply drop contracts... even if other products will save more lives.

You can read into this what you will, but don't think for a second that the American people agree with the politics and shady practices that make up rediculous policies such as not allowing soldiers in the field to wear better body armor that is sent to them from home.

The soldiers wouldn't want to wear this new stuff if it didn't work better than what they were issued.

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