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May 15, 2006

Dan's Top Ten Medicare Part D Rules

Well the President of our great nation has spoken tonight about immigration. I wonder if this issue is a smoke screen designed to remove society’s attention from the Medicare part D prescription drug plan problems. If this is indeed the case, I’m here to clear the air, and direct attention back to the shameful bull-ocracy that is supposed to be helping our seniors.

The way I see it the idea of this plan is very enticing, and seniors really believe they will get help. But soon after initiating the plan, reality sets in and all they get is confusion and frustration. To that end, drug combination packages are never exactly what any particular senior needs, so wile struggling to make heads and tails of the system, pharmaceutical’s make out like fat cats.

To illustrate my enmity for the creators of this bull-ocracy, I’ve created the top 10 operational rules for the new Medicare prescription drug plan.

Dan’s Top 10 operational rules for the new Medicare prescription drug plan

10. If a question can be answered with a yes or a no, don’t answer it.

9. When an elderly person calls with a question, immediately transfer the call to Disney land.
8. When deciding what drugs to cover, cover only those with side effects that will require the purchase of more drugs.
7. If a plan is created that covers all medications a senior needs, it is an accident and you must scrap it.
6. Delete any rules or sentences of the plan that actually make sense
5. If a doctor calls trying to get a drug approved for coverage, Transfer him to a repeating recording of, “They’re coming to take me away ha ha!”

4. In the event that a senior citizen should call and the call quickly and directly gets through to a living person, have it automatically transferred to the callers own voice mail.

3. Don’t have just one plan for everyone, have so many plans that no one knows what to do.
2. If the plan doesn’t make 99% of those it covers miserable, then the plan is not working properly.

1. As soon as seniors get comfortable believing they are covered, deny payment to the pharmacies they use.

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