The following pictures are of the little HAM radio house my brother Tom Taverne provided for me. Not only was he nice enough to provide the house, he purchased the radio seen in the photograph, and the antenna (not pictured) as well.
The building is 8’X8’, which is much larger than the RATT (Radio Teletype) Riggs I operated from in my Army days. I had several military occupations in communications, all of which resulted with me sitting in tiny communications shelters. I was a single channel radio teletype operator, a multi channel radio telephone operator which integrated radio and wire communications, and I was a mobile subscriber transmission systems operator, where I operated line of site data transceivers and remote access units.
My Single channel radio teletype operator MOS (military occupational specialty) was 31CA4. The A4 designation meant I was a qualified morise code operator.
I hadn’t practiced code since my army days, and I’m quite rusty. However, thanks to the site linked here-à I’ve been practicing, and can now copy every letter of the alphabet again; all be it at 5 groups per minute.
I’m predicting I’ll get faster with practice.
My goal with this new setup is successful (and legal) CW operation . All this means is I plan on getting an amateur radio operators license, and I want to carry on conversations in continuous wave mode using morise code. I’ll need to purchase a code key for my RCI-2980wx.
I did have luck using voice today, and made contact (using upper side band) with a guy operating from Buenos Aires, located on the southeast coast of South America. That’s not bad for a strait stick antenna, the tip of which is only about 30 feet off the ground.
Again, thanks Tom, and I pray that you experience continued success with your family; as well as The Masonry Worker Inc.
Pictures Below: The first one isn't very good, but the other 3 are good quality.
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