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Aug 19, 2008

Army's New SCAR Video and Other News


SCAR: The Army's new special operations rifle (Video) Check out these SOF troops as they put the Army's new special operations rifle through its paces....More



**Guard Rescues Nation's Largest Pine Tree:

California National Guard's "Task Force Pick" came to the rescue when the wildfires in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest threatened the nation's tallest Ponderosa Pine tree....More

**Operators Test New Commando Rifle
It's a rifle designed specifically for the special operations community. Modular barrels, ambidextrous controls, a gas-piston operating system, a host of adjustment options -- but you already know that....More


**New Tool May Help with Route Clearance:
A new tool may soon help route clearance teams detect and neutralize potentially deadly improvised explosive devices in Iraq....More

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