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Feb 19, 2010

KE5UTN: Another Ham Shack Photo

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  • To see more pictures of my antennas, including the 2 band butternut I'm using on 40 and 80 meters, click my ham stuff link in the 'blinks' list on the left side of the screen. When you get to my ham radio stuff, you'll have to scroll way down to see the pictures.

  • Pic. #1: My Ham shack. The antenna on the left is an I-MAX 2000. I use it on 10 and 12 Meters. On the right, You see a Diamond 2 Meter verticle. There's also a 20 Meter inverted V in the picture you probably cant see as well as a 70 cm groundplane.

    Pic . #2: My mountain bike beside my ham shack

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