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Apr 7, 2010

Can you trust CNN, ABC, CBS or NBC?


Those who know me should be aware by now that I am no fan of the agenda that seems to be in play.

There is a political, social and economic agenda that is tearing at the fabric of the America for which I served in the army.
What I want to get into here is the media.

It was obvious that ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN were falling over themselves trying to get the then candidate Obama elected. The bias they demonstrated forced me to change the channel in an effort to find more balanced news coverage.

That said, I remember listening to those networks (especially NBC and CNN)  stressing how Obama was meeting with his “economic team” and his “National security team" as if he were already president.  But, it was more than that... those netorks wanted us to be impressed with Obama and his teams, while the other candidates only had "advisors".

They even talked about his "handsome  smile".  The campaign by the mentioned networks was shameless.  Then people like Oprah and even Bruce Springstein, for crying out loud, endorsed him. The mentioned networks were making a sales pitch and a lot of America was buying.

I, however, was not.   I hope you weren't  either. I am not a racist. I am a guy who dislikes the idea of a huge intrusive government hell bent on spending our nation into the poor house.  They speak of sustainable development... how about sustaining our standard of living.... how about deregulation and smaller government.  How about having the vision to see right from wrong and having the courage to do the right thing for America instead of doing the  thing that'll get you votes, but  is wrong for America.

Our nation is broke. Our nation spends so much more than it takes in because of out of control spending by our so-called representatives.  

Back to the media: I stopped watching CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC for my news…I don't feel like I get the truth from them.  Fox news is suspect too, but at least they have the nerve to tell folks to do their own research.  

You know, when there is a movement as strong as the Tea Party's, and the other networks only minimize and attack it, you know something worth looking at is going on.  I suggest you watch Fox news to at least get the other side of the story.

 You know, the guy who owns General Electric also owns NBC.  Is it any wonder that General Electric has gone GREEN? I wonder why Obama was supported by NBC?

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