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Nov 10, 2010

Glenn Beck Reveals the Puppetmaster: George Soros (Video of a Video)

I recorded this video because I believe there is something to this.  This George Soros character has his fingers in everything, and it behooves us to consider what Beck is saying.  I recorded this last night.  Today's show, which I'll try to post snippets of  tomorrow, will blow your mind.

In this collection of snippets taken from Tuesday November 9, 2010 Glenn referred to a quote the Van Jones made where he talks about the strategy that is in place to bring about our subjugation... "...from the top down, bottom up and inside out." 

This takes on so much meaning when we understand who is actually saying that, and who he works for.

Today's show, I'll post it later is disturbing.  Here is a link to a site where you can find these shows in their entirty:

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