Wnen I watched the Demon-crats ram Obamacare through the congress on CSPAN, I felt like republicans were being bullied.
What is the definition of a bully? Usually, a bully is bigger, stronger, and lacks grace. In effect, the bully gets his/her way by a couple of strategies.
Being bigger and stronger, as noted, and by intimidation.
Now, think of how most kids in the movies effectively deal with bullies: They stand up to them. One punch in the nose, and the bully realizes being the aggressor isn’t going to work any longer.
Additionally, when the other bullied kids see that the bully has been transformed into an impotent spectator, they too stand up to him.
This is the demon-cratic party today. Nancy Palosi, and her arrogance, were defeated miserably, and instead of accepting blame like a gracious person would, she’s deflecting criticism blaming everyone else!
Please! They say “misery loves company”. I guess that’s why she decided to gather all her demon-cratic cohorts to celebrate a party that’s cleansed of bluedogs.
Ms. Palosi, at least the bullies in schools know when to quit. You on the other hand have not yet had enough. Mark my words: your progressive liberalism’s days are numbered.
The cause of our nation’s financial difficulties falls squarely at the feet of Liberals like you. You infect people with a sense of entitlement which squashes self reliance and individual responsibility. Sadly far too many people get suckered into this trap which leads to government domination instead of individual prosperity and the kind of government our founding fathers envisioned.
WATCH; Donald Trump's RNC Speech (FULL VERSION)
This is a speech Donald Trump needed to make, and the left immediately
began to characterize it as "dark".
I watched the coverage on PBS and the pundits cr...
8 years ago
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