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Nov 14, 2010

Middle School Tells 13 year old He can't Fly American Flag! WTF!

DENAIR, Calif. -- A Stanislaus County school is forcing a student to take an American flag off of his bike.

Thirteen-year-old Cody Alicea put the flag there as a show of support for the veterans in his family. Rest of Article

You know what?  This is certainly BS.  The problem is the schoolboard doesn't want to do it's job by protecting the boy's desire to display his flag.  They'd rather do the cowardly thing by asking a "good" kid to capitulate.  This is the kind of crap that's teaching kids not to stand on principles.  If adults don't stand on principles, how the hell can we ever expect it from our kids?

Maybe they don't want kids learning to stand on rightful principles. 

In this nation of progressives who are relentlessly indoctrinating our children into being submitters, I don't believe I am far off the mark in my assessment.

Here's a video explaining this mess.

That cowardice superintendant should get paddled for lack of backbone and balls!  If the superintendent loved this country like I do, he'd have personally ensured that boys safety.  Additionally, arent American flags hung in every classroom?  If not, they aught to be.

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