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Nov 11, 2010

NBC Pitches "Doing with Less" ... Really?

I do not like NBC‘s nightly news. Not only do I  dislike it, I despise it for its propaganda.

Tonight, for example, I caught a small portion of the broadcast where the Anchorman recounted received letters in response to a “doing with less” series.

Is NBC privy to information that would necessitate the need for its audience to consider this as an eventuality?

According to letters read on the air, the women who responded are perfectly happy, or found true happiness after experiencing financial set backs, and consequential loss of stuff. One comment echoing this sentiment came from a woman who “lost everything in Hurricane Katrina“. .. Really?

Maybe NBC should quantify this idea by asking this poll question:  How much loss should people experience before they are truly happy? 

I can hear it now,  "The polls determined that rampant inflation and super high energy bills are viewed as 'a blessing' by Americans who finally realize how much they've been missing by having so much!"

Let me tell you, I am very distrustful of "mainstream" media, especially NBC which is owned by General Electric; a huge backer of Obama's “green economy” (cap and trade) which will force Americans to 'actually' live with less. Remember the president‘s statement, “a cap and trade system would necessarily cause energy prices to skyrocket”? Here’s a video of it:

So, I don’t think NBC can be trusted. This is my opinion, and it’s based on, as a previous post indicates, the full-fledged backing of Obama in his presidential run. They were both biased and unprofessional; hiding important information about him and his relationships, knowing full well that said information would have prevented his victory.

So, when NBC starts asking women how they’d feel if they had to do with less, I begin to wonder. And when Democrats and progressive Republicans pass laws and regulations that KILL AMERICAN JOBS, I begin to wonder. And, when GE is a partner and contributor of the push for Cap and Trade, I begin to wonder.

Let me say this, and make it clear: When I begin to wonder, I stop trusting!

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