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Mar 19, 2011

Would Government Shutdown Mean No Pay for Military?


Fueled by recent reports that the DoD would not be send¬ing mil¬i¬tary pay¬checks if the gov¬ern¬ment shuts down, many ser¬vice¬mem¬bers are grow¬ing fear¬ful about their finan¬cial future.

Sev¬eral news out¬lets have picked up on a report that troops may miss pay¬checks in a gov¬ern¬ment shut¬down. The reports are based on a 13-page DoD doc¬u¬ment which is being cir¬cu¬lated around the Pen¬ta¬gon. The doc¬u¬ment lays out a plan for deal¬ing with the shut¬down and includes details on how mil¬i¬tary pay may be dealt with.

But there are still con¬flict¬ing reports. For exam¬ple a recent Boston Globe arti¬cle lists all the areas of gov¬ern¬ment which have been exempt in the past. The list includes mil¬i¬tary pay.
My Comments:

This 'Report' sounds like a bit of political strategy to me. 

The Republicans (Tea Party Republicans especially) ran on a platform of CUTTING SPENDING.  If the Democrats dismiss the will of the people, THEY (the Democrats) will be responsible for shutting down the government.

Do I believe military people will stop being payed?  I don't know... I would hope not, but it is possible.

  Therefore, it is incumbant upon military members who have Democratic  representatives to contact them  voicing  the  desire for Democrats to get on board with the Republican spending cuts.  That's right.   The Republicans trounced the Democrats in November's election, so the Democrats should submit to their will.

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