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Apr 21, 2010

Tea Party: An American Right and Duty to Redress our Government


Americans concerned with the financial, social and socialist direction our nation has taken should beware of wolves in sheep's clothing...on both sides of the isle. I’ve been watching with a scrutinizing eye, and I’ve noticed Republican politicians who've been part of the problem over the years, claim the spotlight of the Tea Party rallies as their own. I'm here to tell you, be aware that this is happening.

I watched the Washington D.C. Rally on TV, and noticed those politicians saying, “Y’all….” I thought, “listen to these panderers! They must think I’m really stupid.” I mean, I may be stupid, but I’m not “really” stupid. Those guys don’t talk like that, and you can’t convince me otherwise.

The Tea Party is about "we the people" peacefully putting OUR government; a government consisting of mostly Democrats and Republicans back in its place.

How? First, we must turn away from "Main stream" media sources because they are no longer objective. Why this is so, is beside the point. Think back to the last presidential election. How many candidates were there? Listening to the major TV networks, you'd believe only two.

Those two candidates were hand-picked and served up to us. Like most Democrats and Republicans, they were thrown at us by God knows who, and we were expected to vote for one or the other based on  information provided on the 6 o’clock network news? Give me a break!  No longer do I watch major network news expecting to get the truth.
What invariably happens is America votes for the better of two evils. To our detriment, this situation is repeated in elections all over America.

People, we've got to vote based on a persons background, not based on party affiliation or what he/she says.  In many ways candidates for office should get votes based, not on what is said, but rather what the persons record says.   

Another thing,  if the candidate spends 40 million dollars campaigning for a job that pays less than 200K, he/she may have obligations contrary to the public good.

Here is an important thought to consider:  A people dependant on the government is a people controlled by the government. That said, we don’t need politicians who promote or advance government dependency…and that’s what we have now. This dependency will later be used as a club that will be used to beat hard working Americans over the head, should the non-working dependants out-number working folks at the polls. Look at how votes can be swayed based on a candidates stand concerning social security.

One last comment: Glen Beck's TV show should be a required course in high-school civics. Yes, I am promoting his show. The progressive liberals are really taking pot shots at him, trying to squelch his voice; trying to discredit and devalue what he says. Will my voice be next? Will yours? You don't have to like Glen Beck, just watch his show and then make a judgment about its content.

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