Why the Push for “Green” everything? Why “hide the decline” in temperatures around the globe? Why is there a massive push against “green house gasses?” and Why have governmental scientists lied to us over the years concerning this topic?
I’ll tell you why: Money and Power. It’s the same old story, and we as Americans have got to do some “back bone checking”. Are we going to be spineless Americans while our liberties are being sold down the river for the profit of a few? If we believe in and love the principals upon which this nation was founded, we had better wake up!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs6ofn46xUY - link to video explaining false scientific data used to "alarm" us all. How and why they "hid the decline".
http://www.chicagoclimateexchange.com/ - is the link to the exchange. Look around there and you'll see I'm not full of it.
The push for global governance is not just a push now, it’s a shove. In the name of climate change, the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) has invented something called carbon credits. They’ll issue/sell companies a finite number of these credits. The corporations will then be allowed to emit green house gasses (GHG) into the atmosphere based on the number of credits they have.
When their credits are used up, they’ll have to go to the CCX. The CCX will then facilitate the purchase of carbon credits called (CFI’s) from corporations, companies, and entities across the globe who have plenty of credits to spare. Corporations refusing to purchase credits will be penalized financially.
This will actually do nothing to decrease greenhouse gasses. What this will do is redistribute wealth across the globe. This redistribution means our American standard of living WILL suffer! Unless you are in the ruling click.
The president even said, referring to Cap and trade…”the cost of energy will necessarily skyrocket.” Don’t let the word ‘necessarily’ throw you. Take the word out and look at that phrase.
WAKE UP AMERICA! We’ve got to take our country back. Look at the last phrase of our Declaration of Independence. It says, “...And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." Politicians in Washington today mock these words and it really ticks me off.
When the shit hit’s the fan, and it will, will you have the kind of resolve our founding fathers had? I hope I am not alone! When corporations rule, we lose our liberty. It’s “we the people” who are supposed to be in charge. Not the liars in we have in Washington today.
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