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Jul 24, 2010

Is Conservative Media Dangerous? What's Race got to Do with it?


Yesterday, after Glenn Beck’s show ended, I tuned to MSNBC just to see how accurate Mr. Beck’scomments are pertaining to that network’s portrayal of himself, Fox News, and Tea Party members.

The show I happened to catch was, "The Ed show". Let me tell you, Glenn Beck’s assessment was right on!

Mr. Ed, had a guest, a Democrat who said he was threatened by a blogger who wrote something along the lines: he would pay $100.00 to have him punched in the face. Of Course, That blogger shouldn't have written anything like that.

Mr. Ed then used that blogger’s ignorant post to justify a rant cutting down Tea Party people, saying 1. They are racist. 2. They are haters 3. They are fear mongers. 4. They are violent and incapable of controlling themselves. He didn’t actually say this last thing, but he insinuated as much.

In just the few minutes I watched, Mr. Ed made all those points. Plus he began, what I call, a discourse-of-suggestion. It was suggested that passionate conservative commentators are creating a dangerous and unpredictable audience, then pointed out the racist” Tea Partiers led by “that “reloading Palin”.

This suggestion is troubling. Contrary to the Peoples will, we've witnessed this government take over most of the auto industry, the healthcare industry, the financial industry, and student loans. We've watched as the White House appointed Czars over key industries enabling them to make decisions (affecting all Americans) without having to go through "that pesky" congress. So it's not a stretch to think this government would take over the media as well.

They might "have no choice" if, say a race riot occurs. Then they can say the conservative commentators who got the tea partiers riled up" are to blame. We'll hear the president say, "We're going to make sure this never happens again."

They'll pass some kindly named bill; something like, "The Safe Broadcasting Act" that'll censor all network commentators whom the media czar deems to be inflammatory. And, they'll censor the internet because "information overload" is "too confusing" for us to handle. Only approved content will be allowed.

People, we have got to come together. I'm not advocating anything but unity of all Americans. All races are invited to take part in action that preserves our individual rights that each one of us are endowed with, by our creator: The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Here is your homework:

Today, when you are out and about, smile and shake the hands of others who are not of your race. Say hi. Start talking. We have to communicate with each other more. Tell your kids to do the same thing. We are all Americans and we’ve got to come together to preserve our liberty. Referring to our republic, remember these words: United we stand, Divided we fall.

MSNBC, and its cohorts, seems to want us divided. Nothing Mr. Ed said was helpful, kind, reverent, or promoted honest discourse. For these reasons, I say watching it is a waste of time.

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