H. R. 5741 – Congress Introduces Bill To Institue Permanent Military Draft For All US Citizens Between 18 And 42
The US Congress has introduced a bill, which many are dubbing a “Slavery Bill“, that would require all American citizens to perform 2 years of either military service or civilian service that promotes the national defense related to homeland security.
The bill would effectively establish a permanent national military draft the would require all citizens, male and female, of the United States and its territories to perform the 2 years of the so called “National Service”.
The bill gives the President broad powers such determining the types of civilian services that meet the requirements for the bill and the ability to extend the length of service to maintain the number of citizens performing “National Service” that the President deems necessary.
Other broad powers assigned to the President would include the ability for President to prescribe any regulations necessary to carry out enforce the bill including regulations for induction, compensation, standards of performance levels, penalties for failure to perform service satisfactorily.
The bill suggests that the President follows the procedures for registration, selection, and induction outlined in the existing Military Selective Service Act which would be amended to include women in the act.
Those who object to military service will be required to perform 2 years of noncombatant national civilian service subject to any additional regulations as the President may prescribe for those who object.
Am I against national service? No, I served in the U.S. Army; so you know I believe in national service.
However, our government does not have the constitutional. authority to "force" citizens to searve the state. Also, do w want our neighbors in league with a government, in a civil capacity, that would further jeopardize our private activities... activities that we would keep from the government?
We are treading on dangerous ground here. I suggest you let your voice be heard while we still have our bill of rights. What ever you do, don't think, "This could never happen, this'll never get passed, or this'll never affect me", because, If we allow the government to remove our ability to choose the things we might do, for us, we give away our liberty... liberty that comes from God, not them.
To see the bill in its current version, click here.
WATCH; Donald Trump's RNC Speech (FULL VERSION)
This is a speech Donald Trump needed to make, and the left immediately
began to characterize it as "dark".
I watched the coverage on PBS and the pundits cr...
8 years ago
Our government run educational system has done a fine job of inverting, in the minds of many citizens, the relationship between the individual and their government. Our Declaration of Independence clearly spell out that it is "self-evident" that each sovereign individual possesses "unalienable Rights" including "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". These are inherent rights which we possess as part of our human nature, and are not some gift bestowed upon us by a benevolent state. The Declaration continues: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed". Individuals are not duty-bound to serve the state; just the opposite! Government is created for one very explicit purpose, which is to serve the need to protect those rights possessed by every individual member of society -- and nothing more. Period!
When some government bureaucrat proposes to force you, me, or anyone else, against our respective voluntary wills, to serve the government's interests under direction of some state administrator, whether that be for an hour, a day, two years, or a lifetime, this is nothing less than slavery, and no amount of weasel words or Orwellian doublespeak will alter or hide this simple fact.
If you value your life and the freedom to decide how you wish to live it, then you should be alarmed that this bill is even being discussed in the halls of Congress by a body of elite members who have made it clear that they intend to be the masters, ruling over us and directing every aspect and decision affecting our lives. Do not wait until it is too late to fight back against this tyranny. Rise up today in protest over this abomination and work to insure that it never sees the light of day.
For a full take on this bill, see my article at:
And for a discussion of the philosophical meaning underlying this issue, refer to the following web page:
In liberty,
C. Jeffery Small
Our government run educational system has done a fine job of inverting, in the minds of many citizens, the relationship between the individual and their government. Our Declaration of Independence clearly spell out that it is "self-evident" that each sovereign individual possesses "unalienable Rights" including "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". These are inherent rights which we possess as part of our human nature, and are not some gift bestowed upon us by a benevolent state. The Declaration continues: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed". Individuals are not duty-bound to serve the state; just the opposite! Government is created for one very explicit purpose, which is to serve the need to protect those rights possessed by every individual member of society -- and nothing more. Period!
When some government bureaucrat proposes to force you, me, or anyone else, against our respective voluntary wills, to serve the government's interests under direction of some state administrator, whether that be for an hour, a day, two years, or a lifetime, this is nothing less than slavery, and no amount of weasel words or Orwellian doublespeak will alter or hide this simple fact.
If you value your life and the freedom to decide how you wish to live it, then you should be alarmed that this bill is even being discussed in the halls of Congress by a body of elite members who have made it clear that they intend to be the masters, ruling over us and directing every aspect and decision affecting our lives. Do not wait until it is too late to fight back against this tyranny. Rise up today in protest over this abomination and work to insure that it never sees the light of day.
For a full take on this bill, see my article at:
And for a discussion of the philosophical meaning underlying this issue, refer to the following web page:
In liberty,
C. Jeffery Small
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