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Aug 6, 2010

Network News: To Trust or Not to Trust? That is the question


Network news in the good-ole U.S. of A has alot of time and money invested in the current president and his administration.  It's no wonder they put the best possible spin  on his private as well as official activities.

This month the U.S. saw about 200,000 jobs lost from the economy.  The CBS evening news said some of those numbers were related to census jobs ending. 

My problem with this is 1.  They said that last month, and 2. If the jobs were temporary they shouldn't have been added to job growth figures touted by the network last year.  At the very least the job increases then should have been attributed to temporary government census hirings.

Let me say, I'm not racist.  I am not against having non-whites in offices, or being led by non whites.  I just don't like what our current president is doing.  I don't like the media building him up with hype - while not reporting truths that need to be told to protect our rights and our republic.

It's not Katie Currric's, or Mat Laur's (pardon spelling) fault.  They report what and how to report.  It's the network owners who have much to gain by tossing propaganda to the four winds.

I say, people, be aware of this.  I seldom watch the big 3 any more because I don't expect to hear truth. 

What I expect from them is biased propaganda designed to prop up the current administration while squelching truths that need to be told.

The days of investigative journalism is dead with the big 3 so I go elsewhere to find it.

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