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Aug 22, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque is America's 'N' Word


By Daniel Taverne

I’ve been giving the so called “Ground zero Mosque” some thought, and I have come to the conclusion that our perception of this is not as important as the Muslim’s perception of this event.

To us, this mosque is billed a “cultural center” with a little worship area. To Muslims, this is a victor’s building.

I agree this is not plausible, but I’ve heard the law of Islam say “Smile at us with their faces but curse us with their hearts.”

Is this the kind of temple we want? Who are we to say?

I say they have every right to put their mosque there, but should they?

A significant event caused people to see this situation as an insult. Shouldn’t a religion of peace and love be concerned with this? Is a “cultural center” needed right there?

You know, the word “nigger” is also an insulting thing tied to nasty events. Most Americans, although they have the constitutional right, refrain from using the word.

Most Americans have removed the word from their vocabulary, and rightfully so.

This Mosque is to us as the “N” word is to blacks.

Concerned and responsible Muslims there in NY would be sensitive to this and change their plans.

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