***The Best Cities for Military Families***
There are a lot of "hot spots" in the housing market, but filtering them for military families can prove challenging. Find out the picks for the best cities for military families in 2010. ...read the rest.
***TRICARE for 'Gray Area' Retirees***
TRICARE Retired Reserve, a new program being launched in the Fall, will allow certain "gray area" retired National Guard and Reserve personnel, who are not yet age 60, the opportunity to purchase TRICARE health coverage. Under TRICARE Retired Reserve, TRICARE Standard and Extra coverage will be available for purchase to "gray area" retirees. Other details involving specific eligibility rules, coverage and costs are still being coordinated and finalized. Potential beneficiaries who would like to be among the first to know about final details for TRICARE Retired Reserve are encouraged to sign up for e-mail updates from TRICARE by visiting the TRICARE website -- sign up for "Benefit Changes" for "Retired National Guard and Reserve Member." Get the FACTS and latest news on TRICARE.
***Army Issues New TBI Policies***
Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. George W. Casey Jr. has sent a message to commanders throughout the force to reinforce new policies designed to minimize the effects of mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI), more commonly known as concussions. The policies require any Soldier who sustains a direct blow to the head or loss of consciousness, or is within 50 meters of a blast (inside or outside), or is in a vehicle associated with a blast event, collision, or rollover, or is dismounted within 50 meters of a blast, or is in a building or vehicle damaged by a blast/accident to undergo a medical evaluation followed by 24 hours of downtime and medical clearance before returning to duty. The Army's mTBI management program is explained in ALARACT 193/2010-HQDA EXORD 253-10, Management of Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) in the Deployed Setting, DTG 260416Z Jun 10, which is accessible by logging into AKO and searching for the document under 2010 ALARCTs.
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