I wrote this little bit about 10 to 12 years ago, and came across it the other day. I know it's not really great, butI think it does a good job painting a picture.
Angry Lady
By me, Daniel P. Taverne
My lovely lady Made her point
when the screen door slammed my life out of joint.
Her coal dark curls clung to her cheeks,
and framed her angry eyes,
As I barely noticed the rain driivng down.
Did thunder rumble then?
Still I wonder.
My lovely lady told me good bye.
I wrote another poem about the same time that I decided to title, "Uncertain"
Now I realize the structure and grammer here are really poor, but I didn't feel like fixing it all here. Sorry...
By Daniel Taverne
Walking this lonely highway again,
I sense the truth is bent
Like a dangerous curve, without a warning sign,
Looming ahead.
And the wind that slices so deep and so cold
Can’t compare to the fear that seems to unfold
When you’re gone and I feel that I’m walking alone.
Not even the beautiful stars seem to help
They shine and they twinkle,
But they’re as cold and sharp as the edge of this road and that knife in your hand
Is your heart on the lamb.
Or is your heart drawn closer to a past,
Hoping for a day that may never come,But keeping me just in case?
WATCH; Donald Trump's RNC Speech (FULL VERSION)
This is a speech Donald Trump needed to make, and the left immediately
began to characterize it as "dark".
I watched the coverage on PBS and the pundits cr...
8 years ago
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