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Sep 17, 2006

Illegal Immigrants not Human?

By Daniel Taverne

Aren’t all people created equal? Aren’t each of us endowed with certain inalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) granted to us by our creator? Apparently, our federal government has forgotten these truths. Since September 1, federal agents have raided homes looking for illegal immigrants in a tiny community called Stillmore Georgia.

According to the news paper I read, many of the residents worked at a local chicken farm, and spent their hard earned money at local businesses in the area. , It has been reported though that federal agents kicked doors in treating people like animals pushing them around hand cuffing them and dragging them away.

I consider myself a republican, and I believe that something needs to be done to stem the flow of illegal immigrants into our nation, but what is going on in Stillmore Georgia is not the answer.

Hundreds of area workers, illegal Mexican immigrants have been either rounded up, or have fled the area leaving area businesses to suffer in the wake of their exodus. Not only have these businesses suffered, but the hundreds of families that have been up rooted, and the lives cast in turmoil.

Additionally, the motivation for such a drastic move is questionable at best with elections taking place in the near future.

To these “illegal workers” and their families, this is a hurricane Katrina like disaster that didn’t have to happen. It’s my opinion that employed Mexicans who are here illegally should be given citizenship on a trial basis contingent upon a continuing working status and provided they remain law abiding.

Come on America let’s not forget who we are: A nation of immigrants who want the same things illegal Mexicans are looking for. Write your congressmen expressing your disapproval of the treatment of illegal immigrants as explained above.


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