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Mar 8, 2007

New NAFTA Dagger May Mortally Wound America

by Daniel Taverne

President Bush has quietly approved a plan to build a ten lane superhighway through the heartland of America, stretching from Mexico into Canada. Once complete, the new super highway will bypass the longshoreman’s union, as well as the USA trucking industry, allowing containers from the Far East to enter the United States via dangerous, cheep, substandard and largely unregulated Mexican truckers, checked (only electronically) for weapons, contraband and terrorists. Tell me how this is good for the United States of America!

The Super Highway was proposed by NASCO (North American SuperCorridor Coalition, Inc.), which claims to be a “non-profit organization dedicated to developing, listen to this marketing blurb: the world’s first international, integrated and secure. Multi-modal transportation system along the international Mid-Continent Trade and Transportation Corridor to improve both the trade and competitiveness and quality of life in North America.” (Phew!)

If you think what I’m saying here is hogwash, then consider this: The first custom stop will be in KANSAS CITY where Construction is scheduled to start next year.

There are also plans in the works to create the North American Union (the equivalent of the European Union). Read the article: seems to me that this is the logical next step in the loss of our independence and economic freedoms.

People, this is not the time for apathy! Our government is rearing up like a powerful stallion bolting out of control! That said, it’s up to us to crack that stallion right over the head with a two-by-four, and get it back under control. These quiet, secret deals and plans should not be happening without “the peoples’ approval, knowledge or consent. When they do occur, we are no longer a self governed people, we are a conquered and ruled people!

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