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Nov 13, 2007

Democratic Cycle doesn't look like Urban Myth

I remembered an editorial I read a few years ago concerning the cycle of democracy, and how we, as a people and a nation, are in trouble. I often wondered how America would react if armed with the knowledge of this cycle and finally decided most people would look at this cycle as some kind of fiction; some kind of urban legend.

If you are one of those Americans, you had better take a good look around you, then WAKE THE HELL UP!

I did a search trying to find that article and stumbled across 60minman's blog entry.

The following is a simple cut and paste of that entry:

A Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of Government. Its downfall is linked to the proposition that once voters realize that they can vote themselves money/benefits from the public treasury, they will vote for the candidates promising them the most......Voltaire said "In general the art of Government consists in taking as much money as possible from one class of citizens to give to the other.".....

A government starts with people in Bondage. From bondage it progresses to Spiritual Faith. From Spiritual Faith to Great Courage, from Courage to Liberty, from Liberty to Abundance, from Abundance to Selfishness, from Selfishness to Complacency, from Complacency to Apathy, from Apathy to Dependency, from Dependency back to being in Bondage.

This cycle also applies to the individual, for a democracy is all about the individual. At what stage of the cycle are you in? At what stage is America in? How far along in the cycle have we as a people progressed? It sure kinda makes me think about my grandchildren and their children. What are we really doing for them? How far along in cycle will they be?

Sorry I got so serious friends so how bout some Lobstahhhhs, steamahhhs and good ol NE Chowdahhhhh.........Your thoughts please.

Annoy a Liberal, work hard and be happy.

4/28/2007 2:35 pm
I would say that we have passed complacency into apathy.Surely we cant maintain a democracy for much longer.Our country has become obsessed with the dollar,but now the dollar doesnt buy anything.It takes a whole lot of dollars.We didnt realise how good we had it growing up,and wanted more more more.We got more,and it turned into less.

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